ILSA Chapter UNS

AUKUS Agreement: Is It a Breach of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty?

Oracle Vol. 9

AUKUS Agreement: Is It a Breach of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty?
By: Zenia Aziz Khoirunisa and Agnes Ariningtyas

With a newly formed defense alliance with Britain and the United States, Australia has formally embarked on a hotly contested program to equip its naval forces with nuclear submarines. The agreement is the first to be signed publicly since the three countries announced in September the formation of a defense alliance, AUKUS, to confront strategic tensions in the Pacific, where China and the US are at odds. However, apart from the political sight, this trilateral pact has raised serious concerns over global efforts toward the non-proliferation of nuclear. It is pertinent to note here is that after this trilateral pact, Australia being a non-nuclear weapon state would be the only country to have nuclear submarines. Moreover, Australia after the UK would be the first country with whom the US has shared its nuclear technology for submarine use. Considering the AUKUS pact as a reference point, this article analyzes the demoralization of overall efforts towards nuclear non-proliferation with a specific focus on the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) a treaty that is considered as the mother of all Non-proliferation agreements.

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ILSA Chapter UNS
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