ILSA Chapter UNS

miHoYo Co. Ltd: The Possible Legal Issues of Copyright Infringement from Genshin Impact as Video Games

ILSA Chapter UNS presents our International Law Article Volume 8

“miHoYo Co. Ltd: The Possible Legal Issues of Copyright Infringement from Genshin Impact as Video Games”
By: Lucky Surya Jaya

Genshin Impact, developed by miHoYo Co., Ltd, has attracted a lot of players worldwide by offering features of exploring mechanics game that has an attracting visual, graphic, music, and story-build. However, the attractive features that were offered by Genshin Impact stimulate a new controversial issue from players across the world. Mainly the problem from Genshin Impact is the similarity it has with another game that was released in 2017 by Nintendo for the Switch and Wii U consoles, known as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild (“BOTW”)

The similarity issue of Genshin Impact and BOTW is one of the concerns that have been addressed in international law regarding copyright issues. However, both Genshin Impact and BOTW are a product and art in the realm of video games. Did International Law have legal status protection that was entitled towards video games? If yes then, how is the status of Genshin Impact in the issue of copyright infringement?

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ILSA Chapter UNS
Peace and Justice!

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