ILSA Chapter UNS

Welcome to ILSA Chapter
Universitas Sebelas Maret

Formally established since 2015 as International Law Community, ILSA Chapter UNS continues the International Law Community’s commitment to enhance and improve Faculty of Law Universitas Sebelas Maret students’ abilities on understanding and research of International Law. 

Vision, Mission and Goals


To connect and accommodate Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret students interested in international law by establishing as a center for learning, researching, and promoting International Law. 


To accommodate Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret students in expanding knowledge regarding International Law through writings, discussion, and competition.


The development of competitive and innovative members with integrity and professionalism in the scope of International Law to be perpetuated in accordance with the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi)

Falah Ahmad Ariardi


President's Remarks

Greetings and good day, everyone!

It is sincerely delightful to welcome all of you to the official website of ILSA Chapter Universitas Sebelas Maret where hopefully this platform may give you further insights regarding to the knowledge of ILSA Chapter UNS so as the information and the activities that we do.

First and foremost, let us praise our gratitude and gratefulness to the God almighty for the strength, prosperity and blessings that has led us upon here and allow us to continue the commitment and development of ILSA Chapter UNS. Further, I would like to express my appreciation and thankfulness to the Boards of ILSA Chapter UNS for their initiative effort, generous dedication so as their innovative prospect. I would like to also dedicate my gratitude to the alumni for their constant guidance and support which both has made ILSA Chapter UNS become what it is today and hopefully it will aspire further as time goes by.

International Law Students Association (ILSA) is a non-profit association of students dedicated to promoting international law. ILSA provides students with opportunities to study, research, and network in the international legal scope.

It was established on 21 August 2020, formerly known as International Law Community (ILC) formed in 2015 based in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. With the same purpose and respect for its history, ILSA Chapter UNS continue to accommodate the Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret students interested in international law, and assist so as integrating its members in being internationally-minded and professionally skilled through study, research, and competition. May this continuation of enthusiasm, commitment, and dedication leads ILSA Chapter UNS to accomplish its purposes along with its value.

Once again, we would like to welcome all of the audience to this Website! May this year of Boards may be a fruitful one and Godspeed to ILSA Chapter UNS, God Bless.

ILSA Chapter UNS
Peace and Justice

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