ILSA Chapter UNS


Lam Luthfiyyah – President


Secretary General

Aisha Dhiya Tasmila
Secretary General


Salma Fitriya
Ulfah Fauziana
Deputy Treasurer

Internal Affairs

Ardafin Reihan
Vice President of Internal Affairs
Fadhillah Husna 
Deputy Vice President of Internal Affairs
Shandy Ahmadiwira
 Staff of Internal Affairs
Getar Keisza
 Staff of Internal Affairs
Narapandya Hanania
 Staff of Internal Affairs 

External Affairs

Natasha Euginia
Vice President of External Affairs
Rahmani Ratu Bilqees
Deputy Vice President of External Affairs
Abror Kafi Ananta
 Staff of External Affairs
Putri Ruby Kohinoor
 Staff of External Affairs

International Law Development

Ayanami Putri
Vice President of International Law Development
Najma Dhiyya’an
Deputy Vice President of International Law Development
Aurellia Zahra
 Staff of International Law Development
Imelda Rasni
Staff of International Law Development
Calista Maharani
 Staff of International Law Development

International Competition

Nabila Aiko Larasati
Vice President of International Competition
Salsabila Putri
Deputy Vice President of International Competition

Creative Design & Media

Arulina Firsta
Vice President of Creative Design and Media
Desmodromic Adriano
Deputy Vice President of Creative Design and Media