ILSA International Essay Competition 2021 (NASACOM 2021) is an essay competition held by International Law Students Association Chapter Universitas Sebelas Maret in order to provide opportunity for law students from various universities arround Indonesia to compete. NASACOM 2021 provides deep understanding on current issues in scope of international law through essay competition and closed with online seminar (webinar) to broaden the knowledge of the participants.
This year’s NASACOM will bring the main theme of “Hukum Laut Internasional [UNCLOS 1982]” which will be further divided into three sub-themes:
- Sengketa Wilayah Laut TIongkok Selatan;
- Penyitaan Kapal Tanker Iran dan Panama oleh Indonesia;
- Tumpahan Minyak di Teluk Mexico 2021;
International law can never be separated from the law of the sea, as long as there are trades and merchants through the waterways as well as countries that depend their livelihoods from the water-based natural resources. Therefore, it is very important to understand the law of the sea to make sure that things don’t deviate far from what has been determined by the law.
Website :
Instagram : @ilsauns
LINE : @rtp9172x
LinkedIn : ILSA Universitas Sebelas Maret
Date and Time
- Registration and Submission (5 October – 4 November 2021)
- Judging (7 November – 13 November 2021)
- Awarding and Online Webinar (14 November 2021)
- Dr. Reza Zaki, S.H., M.A., AWP, CIQnR, CRMO
Indonesian Society of International Law Lecturer (ISILL) and Lecturer at Business Law Program, Binus University - Adhitya Nini Rizki Apriliana, S.H., M.H.
International Law Department Lecturer and Researcher at Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mataram / Proofreader at Unram Law Review (ULREV)
- Active undergraduate law students or has graduated with maximum age of 23 years old
- Download and read the handbook for further guidelines